Check Out Read 180's New Bookshelf to Foster Independent Reading
 | Cherith Fluker,
Director of Professional Learning, HMH |
Watching the development of a striving reader to discover their own love for their "first" book is often stated as one of the favorite moments of all Read 180 teachers. In this session, participants will learn about the new Bookshelf and plan for both tried and true procedures. Everyone will also leave for fresh ideas to kick-off the new year and continue to set high expectations for this Small-Group rotation.
Don't forget to bring your own devices!
The Read 180 Experience on Ed
 | Jennifer Kincaid,
Senior Implementation Manager, HMH |
Read 180 teachers and HMH Coaches will guide you through the updated experience of the Read 180 classroom. You will have the opportunity to explore the updates to the Student App, independent reading, and both a Code Lesson or ReaL Book lesson. This session is designed to set the stage for the rest of your experience in the HMH Literacy sessions for Read 180.
Don't forget to bring your own devices!
Finding Their Happy Place: How Placement Decisions Are Made in Read 180
 | Kimberly Olive-Torrance,
Senior Implementation Manager, HMH |
Through a combination of classroom scenarios and hands-on activities, you will have the opportunity to engage in the placement process yourself. We will provide you with practical guidance on interpreting assessment results and making informed decisions regarding student placement within the Student App. By the end of the session, you will understand updates, how to locate results on Ed, and clarity about how the initial assessment places students in the Code or Comprehension segments within
the software.
Don't forget to bring your own devices
Mastering the ReaL Book: Code and Comprehension
 | Cherith Fluker,
Director of Professional Learning, HMH |
Support your most struggling students by cracking the code on foundational skills instruction and master comprehension instruction using the ReaL Books in Read 180.
Don't forget to bring your own devices!
Differentiate Instruction in Small-Group Learning
 | Cherith Fluker,
Director of Professional Learning, HMH |
Learn how to leverage reports and data to identify needs and target instruction to meet your students where they are.
Don't forget to bring your own devices!
Get to Know NWEA MAP: You are Going to LOVE It!
 | Kimberly Olive-Torrance,
Senior Implementation Manager, HMH |
Learn about NWEA MAP and how this research-based benchmark assessment ensures accurate student placement in Read 180, and provides instructive insights.
Don't forget to bring your own devices!
Lesson-Aligned Interventions
 | Autumn Dvorak,
Classroom Teacher, Teacher's Corner from HMH, Phoenix, AZ |
Join us for an interactive session designed to provide Into Reading teachers with valuable insights and practical strategies for supporting striving readers in their core reading instruction. Participants will dive into Discover and their Module Carousels to locate lesson-aligned intervention resources and work through guided planning questions to decide who, when, and where to integrate them into Small-Group Instruction or Literacy Centers so that these resources can be utilized to effectively reteach and provide targeted support to students who are facing reading challenges.
Don't forget to bring your own devices!
Use Data to Target Small-Group Instruction to Maximize Instructional Minutes and Impact Growth
 | Denyse Henry,
Instructional Designer, HMH |
Targeting the right plan for Small-Group Instruction requires both strategy and precision. In this session, learn how to use the Into Reading reports to make quick, impactful, and confident decisions for every student in your class.
How Can I Support My Teachers with Into Reading?
 | Rowena Penn,
Principal, Teacher's Corner from HMH, The Family School |
In this session, discover the resources available to support your teachers in planning their first module, how to make rigor within reach with Into Reading, and understanding the value of a spiraling curriculum.
So, You Want Me to Differentiate in My Secondary Classroom?
 | Leslie Claiborne,
HMH Instructional Coach, HMH |
Participants will have an opportunity to learn and practice engagement/instructional routines to better support the needs of students who require reading intervention with their core ELA program. We’ll identify where these routines will “fit” within their daily instruction and how students can use these routines as strategies when working in small groups or independently.
Shift Students from Self(ish) Connections to Globally Confident Ones
 | Patrice Bruny,
Senior Implementation Manager, HMH |
In this session, participants will make the connection between Close Reading instruction and routines in Into Literature®, or any core ELA class, to engage students in successfully responding to Text Dependent Analysis prompts. We’ll share strategies to support students in making strong evidence-based inferences, shifting your students’ language from “I think because..." to "According to," or "As stated in..." You’ll leave this session with engagement routines for text annotation, academic discussions, and Quick Writes.
The Must Dos for Every Foundational Skill K-2 Into Reading Lesson
 | Kaci Dengler,
Instructional Coach, Teacher's Corner from HMH, K-5 |
So much to do, so little time. So what do you do when you are short on time or have unexpected interruptions? Participants will discuss how to prioritize must-dos that they don't want to skip in their K-2 Structured Literacy block and explore options for incorporating the Can-Dos in Literacy Centers or WIN, What I Need or intervention time.
Ready, Set, Differentiate to Get Students INTO Reading
 | Kayla Dyer,
Literacy Coach, Teacher's Corner from HMH, K-5, Burrillville, RI |
Are you accidentally guilty of thinking I don’t have time to differentiate? Then this session is for you. As a collective group, participants will discuss obstacles and how to remove them. Once we unpack the blockers, we'll practice making targeted instructional decisions for small-group instruction to meet the needs of each learner. Planning for small-group differentiation will feel much lighter after engaging in this session.
The Art and Science of Timely Correct and Redirect Instructional Feedback
 | Teresa Ranieri,
School Literacy Coach, Teacher's Corner from HMH, K-5 |
Let’s learn from our mistakes. Throughout this session, we will identify some common misconceptions we hear our students make. Then discover how to make on-the-spot adjustments to your instruction to fix these misconceptions in minutes. Leave this session with ‘look and listen fors’ and tips to correct and redirect on the spot in your classroom.
Toolbox Talks: Elevating Collaborative Learning and Discussion with the Right Tools in Into Literature
 | Leslie Claiborne,
HMH Instructional Coach, HMH |
We'll guide you through the world of effective collaboration that will elevate student understanding of complex texts. Discover how to foster a dynamic and interactive learning environment with Into Literature resources and instructional best practices. Leave this session with inspiration to enhance student engagement and teamwork in the classroom.
Amp Up Your Structured Literacy Lessons with Foundational Fun
 | Kaci Dengler,
Instructional Coach, Teacher's Corner from HMH, K-5 |
Structured, explicit, routine… words we don’t typically associate with having fun. Being structured doesn’t mean you have to have boring lessons! Come explore effective ideas to amp up the fun during your Structured Literacy block and bring joy into your teaching and your students' learning.